
50 Life Lessons


I turned 50 this week. Wow! What?!? I can’t believe this happened. I do NOT FEEL 50…until I do. Then I feel all of 50.

When I turned 40, I wrote out 40 things I have learned. So to extend the tradition, I thought I would revised it and post another list. This time, with 50 lessons. So here goes…

  1. Always wear clean underwear. Or none at all. It doesn’t matter.

  2. Take care of your teeth.

  3. Take care of your health.

  4. Take care of yourself. Hair. Eyes. Skin. Mental health. It’s all important.

  5. Eat the rainbow. Not skittles. Fruit. Vegetables. Clean food.

  6. Don’t forget to drink water.

  7. Move. Everyday if you can.

  8. You don’t have to explain your choices to anyone. Only you have to answer to the decisions you make.

  9. Find some grace. For yourself. For others. It will serve you well.

  10. Budget for things. I wish I could say I have mastered this, but I am learning.

  11. Expect the unexpected. In all areas of life. Plot twists will happen often.

  12. Do not forget how to have fun.

  13. Know when to be serious.

  14. Learn how to read the room.

  15. Find the sunshine as often as you can.

  16. Say yes more often.

  17. Know when to say NO.

  18. When you make a commitment to something or someone, follow through.

  19. Be honest. Even when it hurts.

  20. Learn how to like yourself. This is hard for most of us…

  21. Don’t give up on love. It’s there. You just have to find it. It shows up when you are least expecting it. This is more true than I could ever tell you.

  22. Be careful what you wish for.

  23. Listen to your gut. Or your heart. Or whatever that niggling little voice is inside you. It know’s things.

  24. Indulge a little. It’s okay.

  25. Don’t discount the things you experience at a young age. You will go back to those little life experiences time and time again. They are the foundation of life.

  26. Remember this when you are raising children. They take in more than you know.

  27. Opportunity doesn’t always come in the shape you want it to. Sometimes it wears a serious disguise.

  28. Floss your teeth.

  29. Find a little balance.

  30. Stop worrying. HARD STOP. Ninety Nine percent of the things you worry about are actually NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

  31. Live with the stuff you love. Not the stuff people tell you to love. If you love comfy furnutre and barcaloungers, then get yourself a livingroom full of them. It’s your house and life. LIVE IT YOUR WAY!

  32. Be wary of fads.

  33. Be wary of people who tell you how you should think.

  34. Do the research.

  35. Love wholeheartedly and unabashedly. Stop listening to people telling you that you shouldn’t.

  36. Surround yourself with people you want to be like. Remove the relationships that aren’t serving you. Edit your life often.

  37. Give people a second chance. Maybe not a third. Or fourth.

  38. Learn how to communicate well. How to talk. And, more importantly, how to LISTEN.

  39. Don’t trust people who say they don’t like cats. Or dogs. They can prefer one to another. They can get what they like. But there is something seriously strange about a human who doesn’t like a specific kind of animal.

  40. Try. Fail. Try again. Fail again. Keep trying until you figure it out.

  41. There usually isn’t just one way to get somewhere. Stop taking the main roads.

  42. Do your best. Every day. Wake up and commit that you will try harder. It’s okay if you don’t succeed.

  43. There is a lot of life to be had offline. A lot of experience is out there.

  44. We live in a great country. Voting is important. People have fought for this right. As in LOST THEIR LOVES FOR THIS. It is your duty to do this.

  45. Children are harbingers of hope and joy and fear. Listen deeply to them.

  46. Be patient. Be kind. Hold space for grace for yourself and others.

  47. Connect with something bigger that yourself.

  48. Take time to meditate. Or pray. Or breathe. It will do you a world of good.

  49. Learn how to forgive.

  50. Celebrate yourself. Every chance you get. All the things you’ve done. Because trust me…it’s more than you know.

Oh, Joy.

About a month ago, I found myself smack dab in the center of Joy. I didn’t navigate my way there. I just stumbled upon it, like a secret garden or a hidden hot spring that nobody can quite tell you how to get to. It happened right here, at a Mumford & Sons concert.

It sort of snuck up on me. It tapped me on the shoulder a few times, but I ignored it - chalking it up to a song or the energy of the room that night. It was, after all, a great concert. But at the end of the last song, I stepped back, away from the crowd, and I just took a breath. It was in that moment of space that I gave myself that I recognized where I was. Smack dab in the middle of Joy.

It was bound to happen. I had been denying myself Joy for so long….pretending like it didn’t even exist. Maybe I just didn’t recognize it because it had been gone for so long. So each time I saw it, I looked away, seeking it in some other format. Or maybe not at all.

Depriving ourselves of joy is not new. We do it for many reasons. I think mine was a sort of self-flagulation, as if I didn’t deserve a relationship with Joy….as if I wasn’t meant to live side by side in the presence of something so simple and true to our well being. I wish I had a better explanation of why I have left Joy behind in a dustcloud - shame, guilt and fear all vying for shotgun in my life, but I don’t. It’s silly and ridiculous and I wish I didn’t feel this way. But the fact is that I do. Or at least I did.

After I snuck away from the mosh pit of humans that night, I squared myself up center to the stage - iPhone in hand to take a shot. I took a deep breath in and smiled, just lingering in the moment a little. That’s when I realized Joy was back. And there we were… face-to-face, hand-in-hand with all the other couples in the back of the room. We cozied up and renewed our long lost commitment to one another, dancing under the confetti like we had just renewed our holy vows.

And if you, too, are seeking Joy in your life, I think you can find it tucked away at the crossroads of love and gratitude. Just make sure you don’t bypass it as you take a direct route on the superhighway to where you think it should be. It’s not clearly marked on that map someone tricked you into believing. There are no shortcuts. No direct routes. No signs pointing to a singular destination. It’s tricky to find and even harder to recognize. But once you arrive, you’ll know it.

The Island

I have been isolating myself like a little island drifting slowly form the coast for years now. Once attached and part of the world, trauma, insecurities, and the wear of the daily grind has brought me to my knees, making me withdraw from so many things. After a while, it's hard to see the shoreline. It's hard to feel attached.

Each time I experience something big that I can't explain or solve, I tend to withdraw. I am not sure why, but I usually make a deep dive inward to search for solutions - swimming around in muck and mire of it until it settles and I can see a little more clearly.

Talking things out when I am struggling is painful for me because it brings up the thing I am perhaps trying my hardest to avoid - answering the questions I don't yet have answers to. So I drift...away from the things that ground and attach me until I come out of it on the other side with all the right answers.  In the process, I become an island in a storm - sea pummeling my shores, wind wreaking havoc on my flora.

The thing I have come to find is that nobody has all the right answers. Ever. And you know what? That's okay. I am learning that daily. And practicing it even more frequently.

And until I perfect it, I will be here, building bridges back to that coastline.

After the Storm


After The Storm
Mumford and Sons

And after the storm,
I run and run as the rains come
And I look up, I look up,
on my knees and out of luck,
I look up.

Night has always pushed up day
You must know life to see decay
But I won't rot, I won't rot
Not this mind and not this heart,
I won't rot.

And I took you by the hand
And we stood tall,
And remembered our own land,
What we lived for.

There will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

And now I cling to what I knew
I saw exactly what was true
But oh no more.
That's why I hold,
That's why I hold with all I have.
That's why I hold.

And I won't die alone and be left there.
Well I guess I'll just go home,
Oh God knows where.
Because death is just so full and man so small.
Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.